



My school show

热度 6已有 887 次阅读 2011-5-9 05:17 |个人分类:英语日志|关键词:school


Every year, we have two school shows, one is in the New Year, and another is at the end of the school year. Now we are busy practicing for the second school show. It is about a prince called Joseph who could read dreams, he got a coat from his father which was multi-colour. His brothers were very annoyed, and decided to steal the coat from Joseph. They tricked him to the desert and stole the coat.  At first, they decided to kill Joseph, but when they stole the coat, they decided to sell him to Egypt. A very rich man called Potifer bought him. Joseph worked very hard and Potifer really liked him. But one day, Potifer’s wife wanted to kiss Joseph, Joseph shouted: “Oh, no, please!” But Potifer heard him and put him into prison. A few days later, a baker and a butler were put into prison too. They told Joseph their dreams, and Joseph said the butler could survive but the baker would be executed. After the butler was free, the Pharaoh had a dream and asked Joseph to help him. Joseph said there would be seven years with lots of food and seven years with less food. Then there would have a man to help them grow more and more food. But Joseph said he didn’t know who this man was. Suddenly the Pharaoh said: “You! Joseph! You can help me.” So Joseph became the Pharaohs number two. After the Pharaoh died, Joseph became Pharaoh. At that time, there was no more food to eat in his own country, his brother came to Egypt and met Joseph, then gave the coat back to him. Our school show is end here.


All of J3, J4, and J5and J6 participate in this show. Andri, one of my classmates whose dad was a footballer of FCB, plays Pharaoh. Seclay, who is from J6, plays Joseph. We are all singing: “ ha-chi-wai-wai, ha-chi-wai-wa.” when they play. Before the play begins, we also sing: “I closed my eyes, drew back the curtain, to see for certain, what I thought I knew. Far  far away, someone was weeping, but the world was sleeping, any dreams will do. I wore my coat, with golden lining, and bright colour shining, wonderful and new, and in the east, the dawn was breaking, and the world was waking, any dreams will do.”


That is our school show which will play in the 2nd and 3rd of June, all of our parents will invite to watch the show.






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回复 丽贝卡妈妈 2011-5-9 08:22
That sounds wonderful!
回复 patpat2001 2011-5-9 09:34
回复 平常心 2011-5-9 20:52
Very good.
回复 fcb 2011-5-10 00:52
丽贝卡妈妈: That sounds wonderful!
welcome to come to watch it with my mum. hahaha.
回复 SweetRebecca 2011-5-10 20:00
I hope I can enjoy the show with my mum and your mum.  Ha ha ha!   


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