



Saving the Earth

热度 1已有 8271 次阅读 2012-3-23 09:31

This week our school is going to be having a special week, "save our Earth" week. This certainly is a very important week for the green club but it's dedicated to you all. Please put your best foot forward to save the Earth.

Over the years, Earth has been polluted. People are constantly littering on the highways and in parks. We've been polluting the enviroment too much that wild animals are dissapearing and becoming exctinct. The seas and rivers around us has been awfully dirty, garbage thrown in, do you realize that a number of sea creatures are coming exctint just because WE ruined their enviroment and that WE killed what they eat and that WE should take better care of the enviroment? This has to be stopped. Earth is our home, it's where we all live and we just can't hurt it and pretend someone's going to cover it all.

The way YOU can help is simple, just by following simple directions, you can help make Earth a better place for everyone. Please consider the following:
-Do not litter
-recycle all uneaded paper
-recycle all uneaded plastic
-save energy by turning off lights when you don't need them.
-be eco-friendly
-use recycled paper for art our a certain project
-plant some flowers, trees , and even shrubs.

It isn't too late to save the Earth. But in order to do so, we need YOU to participate. Together, we'll make Earth a better home for everyone.






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