



Treasure at Grandma's

热度 1已有 11333 次阅读 2012-3-23 09:16

Every summer, I look forward to one thing. I know it might not be a trip to the beach or disneyland or that knid of stuff. It's something simple and traditional, a visit to Grandma's house. This year, Grandma asked me to help her clean the attic, see what treasures we could find since that place hasn't been touched for nearly 50 years. The attic is very small, when I first got there, I had to start moving boxes so I could walk. We found some of Grandma's childhood toys, homework, clothes, and jewelry. Then I saw it, a treasure chest!

"Ooooo, what's this Grandma?" I asked.
"I don't know, why don't you go check it out Rachel." Grandma replied.
I got excited, then scared, then excited, then scared again. I finally opened the chest after trying to avoid cobwebs. I found out that it was only piles and piles of written on pieces of paper, I was dissapointed.
"Oh my! Look at these, these are the stories I wrote when I was young! I thought I lost them!" Grandma said happily,"Why don't you take a look at them, I think they're rather exciting!"

Grandma was actually a really good writer, her stories are filled with excitment and adventure. My favourite was one where an orphan girl was left alone in a house that was destroyed by fire. The girl was later raised in an orphanage, treated with hatred and disrespect. Later on she was free from the orphanage so she sets out with her friend to discover her past.

Well, that week ended quicker than I thought. By the end of Sunday, we had to go. Grandma said that I could go to the attic and pick out a souvinier. So I went back to the ckest, just to see if there's something I missed. When I opened it, I saw a leather binded book. I was very big, I chose not to open it until I get home. It'll be a big surprise.






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