



Chick days

热度 2已有 12849 次阅读 2011-9-24 04:46

Once upon a time, when a hen was in her nest, she saw a little chick. She was so happy to see a little chick. On the 3rd day of the little chick’s life she feed her seeds and the little chick ate the seed. It really liked it. The next day, Hen yelled little chick, its time to eat seeds! Little chick did not hear her mother. It could not hear a thing. It couldn't even hear the sound of a loud hammer. When hen's friend duck came by, Hen said”my little chick cannot hear”. Duck said “ You have to use your hands to let her know what your trying to tell her”. “HANDS?” yelled Hen, very confused. “Yes” said Duck.

Hen and duck had a long talk. Hen yelled”why hands”? Duck replied”because your little chick can't hear:. Hen was very confused and asked”how do you do it”? Now duck was confused and said 'I don't know”.”Maybe I can call someone” said duck. Hen said hoping that the answer is yes “ is there some who can show me how to use my hands” “what's the hand thing called anyways, Duck” said hen. Now Duck said, thinking really hard, “I think its called sign language and yes, there is someone who knows how to do it”. Hen thanked Duck and Duck went off looking for someone who knows sign language.

Hen went back to her house and to her surprise, the little chick was eating seeds. She finally named her chick, and named her Lucky. After that, Pig came.

The pig overheard the conversation and he said “Lucky is not a good name”. Hen was very shocked when she heard this. “why not” asked Hen,”my chick likes it”. The pig did not want to hurt Hen's feelings even more, so he just said “okay”, although he regretted what he just said.

Time passed and soon Lucky went to school. When Lucky came home, he yelled “Mom! Mom! My friends say that my name is dumb”. Hen started crying. Lucky said “ It's not that you're dumb”, “ Cause I am the dumb little chick!” Hen did not like what she was hearing. “Mom don't be sad”, said Lucky, “ I'm the dumb Chick and Pig is lucky”.






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回复 IMY2011 2011-11-2 12:34
Is it a STORY or just a part?
回复 little_duckling 2011-11-11 07:33
Its a story I made without the ending, forgot the ending.


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