



Madagascar's animals

热度 1已有 926 次阅读 2011-6-3 08:53 |关键词:beautiful island place

Madagascar is the largest island in Africa. And it is also a beautiful land, full of different kinds of animal. Let us go to this charming place and look for these mysterious lives.

There are many lemurs live in Madagascar. The black lemur lives in the tropical forests of northern Madagascar. Black lemurs are notable for differences between the sexes. Males are black wile females have reddish-brown fur with a black and white face. Black lemurs feed on fruit, flowers and young leaves.

The red-ruffed lemur is found in the Madagascar rain forests. Red ruffed lemurs live in groups and practice a form as communal parenting. Unlike the most other lemurs, their young are not carried by females but left in a nest in the canopy while adults forage.

Maybe you know many about lemurs, but did you ever heart about a fossa? The fossa is a carnivore that is related to mongooses and looks like a cross between a puma and a dog. Fossas are nocturnal creatures that hunt almost any animal including insect reptiles, rodents and lemurs. They also prey on chickens in and around Malagasy villages and are hunted by local people as vermin.

     Fossas are active both in trees and on the ground and are excellent climbers using their long tails for balance and retractable claws for climbing straight up and down tree trunks.

     Madagascar has “only” 258 bird species, although 115 of these are endermics with 36 endemic genera, Madagascar has more unique genera than any other African country.

     Madagascar is thought to have more than 300 species of frogs, 99percent of which are endemic. Frogs are only amphibians found in Madagascar, there are on toads, salamanders, or newts.

     Mantella are among the most popular of Malagasy frogs in the pet trade. These strikingly beautiful frogs fill as similar ecological niche to the poison dart of South America in that both use bright colors to advertise their toxic skin secretions to predators. 

      There are mory animals in Madagascar. It’s mysterious and calm. You’ll find them in Madagascar, this beautiful land.








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