



Should I choose New Concept III to improve my English?

热度 7已有 1277 次阅读 2011-3-29 17:20 |个人分类:拿来主义|关键词:新概念 英语学习 背课文

Thanks for reading my questions!

 I am a greenhand from China. I am an English enthusiast and I found your website really useful and attractive when I first came here. I like it here.

 So...my question is about my recent textbook-New Concept English III.

Is it a good textbook to improve my English?

I've learned that the textbook above can be helpful with English writing skills, is that true?

I am trying hard to recite every essay I meet in it, however, you know, it's really boring. I stick with it and recite more every day, but this needs great perseverance.

I believe that it's more difficult for Chinese learners to improve their English compared with any other country in the world.

Any advice to my question? Thank you for your help!


Hi Ghoti,

My apologies for the extremely late reply. I started a new job and I haven't been able to work on the website very much over the past several months.

New Concept English III It is a good textbook or not?

 First, I have to tell you that I had not heard of this textbook before you asked me about it. This does not mean that it is not a good book, but it does mean that it is new and hasn't been around very long.

 If you search for it in Google, you can actually find it at Scribe.com.



 From this I now understand what you are talking about. It is a collection of readings or paragraphs on different topics.

 To answer your question, this book alone will not help you. It is just a book of paragraphs or stories.

 What will help you learn is HOW you use it.

 You mentioned that it is boring to recite these stories and I 100% agree with you. Just reading stories is boring. Where is the fun in that? Is that interesting or useful? NO.

 So you need to think of activities that you can do USING these stories to help you improve.

 Here is a bit of motivation to get you started:

 1) Try to summarize in your own words (orally or in writing) what is being expressed or told.

 2) Do you agree or disagree with what is being presented? Defend your position.

 3) Record yourself reading the stories out loud and listen to yourself. Does it sound correct? Try to pronounce things clearly and slowly.

 4) Try to write an email to a friend explaining the story.

 5) Form your own questions for each exercise. Try to ask interesting questions that use different forms of grammar.

 That should make things a bit more interesting for you. For me, a book really needs to be interesting and useful to get me to use it. There are so many great books out there, but the number one problem is that if students done USE them then students don't learn.

 I think the key to learning is finding an activity that you really enjoy, and then doing it over a long period of time.

 Best of luck with your English and do keep in touch Ghoti.








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回复 year3000 2011-3-30 07:59
   it does mean that it is new and hasn't been around very long
回复 不二周助 2011-3-30 10:56
回复 不二周助 2011-3-30 10:58
First, I have to tell you that I had not heard of this textbook before you asked me about it.
回复 马甲的马甲 2011-3-30 11:17
不二周助: 外国人都从来没听说过新概念英语,我不知道为什么我们还喜欢抱着这本书?这本书根本不能真的提高英语。


回复 隆隆爸 2011-3-30 11:22
回复 tequila_qq 2011-3-31 19:43
回复 还剩西瓜皮 2011-4-2 10:41
回复 马甲的马甲 2011-4-2 10:44
还剩西瓜皮: 不管怎么说,新概念英语里的语法,用法没有什么错误,比起很多现在的中式语法书,错误百出的教材还是强多了。在没有选择的情况下,选本没错误的书来学习也是没办 ...
回复 还剩西瓜皮 2011-4-2 11:19
回复 马甲的马甲 2011-4-2 11:29
还剩西瓜皮: 主要是新概念比较简单,很多家长看到原版阅读,觉得太难。要有一定的英语基础才能读好原版的。如果哪个孩子是零基础,那个原版的阅读给他看,估计实在是看不懂, ...
回复 马甲的马甲 2011-4-2 11:30
回复 还剩西瓜皮 2011-4-2 11:49
马甲的马甲: SBS多是没有逻辑的对话,看到有很多孩子背诵,默默悲哀ING.
回复 马甲的马甲 2011-4-2 11:55
还剩西瓜皮: 说句实话,我觉得SBS还不如新概念。但现在最火的就是SBS了。不知道为啥。家长捧火的?教SBS的炒火的?
回复 还剩西瓜皮 2011-4-2 12:12
回复 snakemami 2011-4-2 16:05
正在家里教孩子学英语呢 这文章太有用了  谢谢
回复 马甲的马甲 2011-4-2 16:09
snakemami: 正在家里教孩子学英语呢 这文章太有用了  谢谢
回复 snakemami 2011-4-2 16:22
马甲的马甲: 八客气,小龙妈咪呵呵。一起探讨。
真的谢谢你提供的信息 我正需要这方面的资料呢
我家的小龙到了四下才开始重视英语 手忙脚乱中找不到合适的培训班 我只好赶鸭子上架 摸索着教他 这里是我的教学记录 欢迎移步指导一下哦


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